"A New Beginning in Love"

Christ Fellowship Panama Feeding Center 20th Anniversary Celebration

Beloved Friends and family,

On Wednesday, May 29th, 2024,Christ Fellowship Panama Feeding Center celebrated 20 years of serving children in Colon, Cabuya Arriba/Anton, Buena Vista, El Congo/Buena Vista, Arraijan and children as far as Cuba.

I am grateful to God that when He place this vision in my heart to feed the children, He also touched the hearts of people like you to support this ministry. Most of you, my beloved friends, have been supporting this ministry from its beginning in 2004. I do not have words to thank you. The word of God in (Hebrews 6:10) says; “For God is not unjust. He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him and how you have shown your love to Him by caring for other believers, as you still do.” My prayers today and always are that God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus! (Philippians 4:19)

Your faithful and generous giving has allowed us to feed children five days a week, send toys and medicine to Cuba, take bags of food to El Congo in the Costa Abajo of Colon, purchase uniforms and shoes for some of our children at the Feeding Center, provide them with school supplies and even purchase the required textbooks for the parents who could not afford it.

Please KNOW that you have done more than feeding children five days a week. I also want to thank those Pastors, Evangelist, Missionaries and friends that have traveled to Panama year after year in December for our week of evangelism, missions and distribution of toys and food bags to family! Please see attached pictures of the anniversary celebration. Unfortunately, I was unable to be there, as I had to travel to Virginia to attend the homegoing funeral of a loved one! The children were so excited about the celebration, so I did not want to reschedule it. The ladies in the pictures are the faithful Saints that have been with me for more than 15 years and they have the responsibility of managing the Center when I am in the U.S.

May God continue to bless and keep you as I have never met more cheerful and faithful givers in obedience to God’s Word to give to the poor. (Proverbs 19:17),

All your donations to CFPFC ministry are tax deductible (we are IRS 501 (c3) certified) l; and  can be sent to the Board Treasure at the following address:     

Christ Fellowship Panama Feeding Center
P.O Box 710485
Oakhill, VA 20170-0485     
Checks should be written to: CF PANAMA FC

You may give on-line by going on Christ Fellowship Christ website and to the
Panama Feeding and Learning Center page. Click on the CF Panama Donations button.

Be blessed in all that you extend your hands to do–in Jesus’ Name!   
Min. Sandra Serena Sergent     
Christ Fellowship Church     
Christ Fellowship Panama Feeding and Learning Center Founder & President


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